Summit Seminars Pass Guarantee Policy

Effective date: May 18th, 2023

We are confident in our exam seminars and our ability to prepare candidates for a pass on their first attempt at their fellowship exam.  However, things happen and external factors come into play.  The reality of these exams is that not everyone passes on their first attempt.

In the event that the candidate enrolled in Summit Seminars does not pass on their first exam attempt, we will offer the candidate one free extension through the next exam sitting.  This extension will include access to the latest version of the seminar.  In the event that the candidate already used their free extension and they need additional extensions, we will offer a 40% discount off the full seminar price for each additional sitting, with access to the most recent seminar for that exam.

If the SOA makes changes to the name and/or structure of the exam, extensions can only be granted if we currently offer that seminar.  If there are significant changes, such as a split of the syllabus into multiple exams, we may not be able to offer an extension if we do not offer the resulting exam seminars.  We will make a concerted effort to stay up-to-date and communicate syllabus changes and our response/intent when such changes occur.

To request an extension, please reach out to us via the contact form within the “Contact Us” page of

Download the Policy Here